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Mathers Environmental Science Services (MESS) became an LLC in 2010. Prior to owning MESS, Dr. Mathers was a professor and state extension specialist for nursery and landscape at The Ohio State University for almost 15 years.
Dr. Mathers has a PhD from Michigan State University in Horticulture, a Master of Science in Horticulture from University of Saskatchewan and a Bachelor of Science in Plant Science/Pomology from Cornell University. Dr. Mathers also has Associate Degrees in Forestry and Agriculture from Sir Sandford Fleming College and University of Guelph, respectively. Dr. Mathers is also a certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator. Dr. Mathers along with her husband Mr. James Beaver started MESS, LLC with a company mission of reducing herbicide usage and weed control cost via bio-rationale and organic approaches; improve weed control application technologies and timing of applications, to increase efficiency; investigate long term impacts of weed control and other cultural practices on carbon sequestration, runoff control and pollution mitigation in urban environments; and, investigate fertilizer practices in nursery fields, landscapes and nursery containers to reduce nutrient waste and optimize applications.