When looking for a web hosting service for your website, there are a few major factors to consider before choosing a provider. Your web hosting service is what allows your website to be displayed to visitors on the Internet. But not all web hosts are created equal. While it can be tempting to choose the lowest-price option, if it causes issues on your site, your brand reputation could suffer.
The web host you use can have a major impact on your user experience and site performance. But for most business owners without a web development background, knowing what to look for can be a challenge. Here, we’ll examine the 4 most important things to consider when selecting a website host.
1. Your web host should be secure
To start, a good web host will offer ample security and maintenance support to ensure your website is safe from hackers or data breaches. Today, these unfortunate occurrences are happening more and more frequently.
For that reason, a hosting service that prioritizes security is a must. For example, they should support SSL certificates, which encrypt the information moving from the server to your visitor’s browser. In addition, your host should provide multiple backup options, like local and cloud backups. These added layers of protection help safeguard your website and data in case of a breach.
2. It should provide fast loading speeds
Next, your web hosting service should offer high speeds. They should use a fast server with enough processing power and memory to allow your website to load quickly.
Plus, Google uses your page load speed as an SEO ranking factor. Although there are other factors that can affect your loading time, choosing a web host that offers the fastest possible speed ensures that it’s not a contributing factor.
3. Your web hosting service should be scalable
The scalability of your web host is another factor to consider. For business websites with minimal content and traffic, most web hosting services will be adequate for supporting your site. But if your company experiences lots of growth, you will want to be sure that your host is able to meet your needs.
If you expect that your website may need more resources in the future, ensure that you choose a website host that is scalable to fit your business in the long run. Even if you’re not anticipating huge growth, a host that provides flexibility gives you options and future stability.
4. They should offer first-rate customer support
Perhaps most importantly, your web hosting service should provide a high level of support. As the face of your business, any website problems or breakdowns can cause major issues like revenue loss and customer frustration. Spending too much time trying to resolve issues with a support team can significantly impact your bottom line.
A good provider will ensure a high uptime rate (99%+) so that your website is consistently available. Additionally, they should provide fast, reliable support in the event of an issue, to minimize any potential losses or further problems.
At Robintek, we offer secure, enhanced web hosting services to give our clients the best hosting experience possible. Our developers are always available to provide support and resolve issues quickly and proactively. Request a free consultation to learn more about Robintek’s web hosting services today.
Who We Are
Robintek is a Columbus Ohio web development and web design agency. For 25 years, we’ve been helping our clients build custom digital tools to grow their online presence. From digital marketing to graphic design to photography, we offer services that can boost your online traffic and conversions.
Our expert designers and developers will partner with your company to produce brand-focused, dynamic solutions like logo design, eCommerce marketing, product photography, SEO, content management systems, and much more. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn what we can do for you.