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Why Your Website Needs a Redesign This Summer

A change in seasons can be the perfect opportunity to audit your site and determine if it’s time for a website redesign. In the summer, the heavy heat can start slowing you down. This reflects the way certain elements can be dragging down your site performance.

Use the rising heat index as an annual reminder to perform an audit of your website to see what’s working, and, more importantly, what’s not. If you’re encountering any of these problems on your site, that may be a good indicator that it’s time for an upgrade.

1. It’s not mobile-responsive.

First things first: if your website is still not mobile responsive, it’s time for an update. With more than half of all global web traffic coming from mobile, your site must display properly on all devices to reach your audience. If a potential customer tries to access your site on the phone and the layout is too small, cluttered, or difficult to navigate, they will likely click away to a competitor.

A mobile responsive design allows your website to display perfectly, whether it is being viewed on a desktop, laptop, phone, tablet, or another mobile device.

Mobile Responsive Website Design

2. It takes too long to load.

Users today expect the websites they visit to load instantly. Within only a few seconds, if a website is still loading, most users will leave the site. This is especially true for new customers discovering your brand. Even a 1-second delay has been shown to lead to lower page views and decreased customer satisfaction.

To increase your site’s loading speed, make sure your images are compressed, so they display quickly but still look sharp. In addition, you can streamline your site to remove any unnecessary or repetitive content. Try minifying and combining files, minimizing HTTP requests, and using asynchronous loading for CSS and Javascript to improve your speed.

3. It doesn’t utilize SEO.

SEO is a key component of any website looking to increase organic traffic. While paid ads can be effective for driving traffic to your site, organic traffic is often more meaningful and impactful. It frequently consists of customers who genuinely are looking for the services you provide. Without SEO, it’s extremely challenging to rank anywhere near the top of a Google search results page.

If you’re new to SEO, you can start implementing it into your site by focusing on your target keywords, metatags, CTAs, and user experience. You can also reach out to a professional SEO specialist to help you start putting good SEO practices into action.

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4. It’s outdated.

Trends in website design change at lightning speed, so it doesn’t take long for websites to start looking out of date. Even sites only a few years old would most likely benefit from an upgrade. But it’s not just your design that needs to stay current.

If your site isn’t regularly updated with accurate, up to date information about your business and its services, that’s a clear indication that it may be time for a redesign. Your website is the online face of your business, and inaccurate information like business hours and broken contact links can lead to customer frustration and damage your company’s reputation.

5. It’s difficult to navigate.

Along with mobile responsiveness, your site navigation is vital to your user experience. A website with complicated menus and too many pages can drive confused or overwhelmed visitors away. Of course, this can depend on the industry, but in most cases, a simplified website structure is better.

Make sure your user experience is clear and easy by keeping your menus concise and well-organized. Also, combine your site’s pages and streamline the content where possible. This will help reduce the number of clicks users have to make when looking for what they need.

Blog Content Creation

6. It lacks interesting content.

While you do want to keep your content streamlined and concise, it’s still important your site incorporates engaging, relevant content for your visitors.

Blog posts, free resources, short videos, and social media streams are all effective forms of content that won’t bog down your site. Instead, they demonstrate to both your visitors and to Google that your brand is active and trustworthy by providing helpful information.

7. It’s not eCommerce ready.

Selling products and services online is so common these days that even local customers often prefer to place a pick-up or delivery order rather than visit a business in person. Retail businesses that do not yet offer their products for sale online are likely to miss a huge chunk of their customer base.

There are lots of eCommerce builders to choose from when it comes to designing your site. We recommend using a service like WooCommerce or Shopify or reaching out to a professional company to help create a custom eCommerce site tailored to your exact needs.

King Culture eCommerce Website

8. It’s not performing well.

The clearest way to tell if your website needs a redesign is by analyzing your site performance. How does your current visitor count compare to the previous years? How about your competitors?

Study your website’s metrics and analytical data to determine your current trajectory. If your organic traffic is down, or your conversion rates are abysmal, it’s a definite sign you need to make some changes.

Is it time for a redesign?

After a thorough audit, you may determine that it is, in fact, the right time for a website redesign. An updated site with an improved experience can reinvigorate your brand and help you appeal to more customers. It can also increase conversions, leads, and sales.

If you need help with your website redesign, reach out to Robintek. We have over 20 years of experience building high-impact websites for businesses across all industries. Whether you just need some consulting or a complete rebuild of your website, Robintek can help you give your site an effective summer makeover. Contact us today to learn more.

Who We Are

Robintek is a Columbus web design and web development company. For more than 20 years, we have been building affordable, custom websites for our clients that help their businesses grow. With our expertise in marketing, design, and custom applications, we can help you expand your online presence and reach more customers.

Our team has a wealth of experience designing customized digital solutions like logo design, eCommerce marketing, content creation, photography, branding & identity, and much more. With over 600 clients spread out across Ohio and the country, we have the knowledge and skill to take your website to the next level. Request a consultation to learn how we can help your business today.