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Written by Greg Jentgen, Developer

Do’s and Don’ts

A website is very important for the success of a business in today’s internet driven day and age. Therefore, it is highly recommended to follow some simple Do’s and Don’ts as guidelines.

Robintek specializes in all the essential areas in order for a website to be a thriving online success.




First and foremost, it is extremely important to have a strong SEO (Search Engine Optimization) presence to ensure a website is reaching its utmost potential.

SEO is a practice of tactics that have the ability to enhance website visibility and increase traffic. This technique reveals a website to the world and makes a business easier to find on the web.

Here at Robintek, we carefully customize and craft unique SEO formulas for our clients’ websites in order to provide them the best opportunity for success.


Another important focal point of a website is the overall design and aesthetics. It is extremely important for a website to look good and welcoming, but not go overboard. Our experienced designers at Robintek know how to make that happen.



Images and Copy

It is important to have a variety of imagery spread throughout a website, but you want to find a happy balance with the written content. Having too few or too many images can be destructive to a website’s overall look and feel. The same can be said for the written content on your site. You want to have enough information for a visitor to understand your business and practices, but too much information can be overwhelming.

White Space
Another issue I’ve noticed with many websites is an imbalance in content spacing and white space on the web pages. Spacing out paragraphs and information is key to keeping a solid balance and continuity throughout your website.

Contact Page

The most important page on your website, second only to the homepage, is the contact page. This page needs to be simple, yet detailed with quickly accessible and appropriate information.

This page typically has a contact form for your visitors to fill out. It is extremely important to not over-complicate this form. If there are too many fields, too much information and so on, visitors are more likely to avoid filling it out altogether and leave the site without ever reaching out to you.

Anyone can have a website, but not all sites flourish as they should. Here at Robintek we specialize in creating websites with strengths in all the necessary areas in order for business to succeed. Contact us to craft a beautiful website for your business today!

