Check out our latest website redesign and launch: Women Riders Now! The website was built using the WordPress platform and has a custom mobile responsive design.
What We Did
Women Riders Now is a long standing client with Robintek. We’ve been lucky enough to work with them them through the years through several iterations of their website. For this redesign we focused on user experience with a clean modern design.
Custom Website Design
The new Women Riders Now (WRN) website design is clean and organized. As a news website they display a lot of content and ads. The WRN team wanted a user friendly design that wasn’t overwhelming. We used horizontal sections and red headers to clearly define content sections. The WRN team loved the result!
WordPress Website Design
This website was created using the WordPress Platform, which includes an easy-to-use Content Management System and an abundance of opportunities for growth and expansion.
Website Content Management (CMS) Platform Change
As part of the redesign project, WRN changed from a .net platform to WordPress. This was a big project because of the size of the website. Our team successfully migrated 2,200+ posts and 14,000+ images as part of the rebuild. The Robintek team has years of experience migrating and managing large websites. Changing content management platforms with large sites can be tricky. Our team’s systematic approach makes changing platforms manageable.
Interested in changing your website’s content management system? Robintek can help.
Responsive Website Design
The Women Riders Now team wanted to focus on mobile first for their website redesign. Most of their web traffic comes from mobile devices. Our designers focused on designing for the mobile experience first when laying out the new site. In order to give users the best possible experience while visiting this site, the WRN website is mobile responsive. This allows the site to be viewed on many different devices with ease.
Ad Management
As a news site, the WRN website incorporates a variety of ads throughout their site. The WRN team uses an ad manager to update and run ads. The Robintek team integrated their advertising system into the new website. Our team is able to incorporate a variety of add-ons and plugins as seamlessly as possible when building websites.
Women Riders Now (WRN) is an online motorcycling lifestyle magazine. Since 1999, WRN has been the #1 resource for motorcycling news and reviews from a female perspective.
Who We Are
Robintek is a website design company and digital agency based in Columbus, Ohio. We offer strategy, design, development & marketing services to help your business grow. Working as a dynamic complement to your team, we design, build and launch custom digital solutions that add sustainable value to your business.