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Internet Security and Health

Written by Greg Jentgen, Web Developer

With the holiday season in full effect it is a very hectic time for everyone. So much to do and so very little time to do it. In the midst of this exciting time, it is easy to get behind on routine practices which is not a good start to the new 2017 year approaching fast. Keeping your website maintenance up to date is extremely important and the final major WordPress version release of this year is here!

The appearance, design and functionality of a website are the most important features for the visitor’s experience: however, the condition and state of the website behind the scenes ultimately determines the overall user experience of a website. WordPress plugins and themes are a top priority to keep updated, but the overall WordPress versions are the biggest maintenance advances to keep up to date.

The latest version of WordPress 4.7 contains several bug fixes, as well as some other awesome new advances. Without a service that manages website maintenance, the latest version will have to be manually updated on a website. Before updating a website using WordPress, it is highly recommended to run a backup of the site in case there are any malfunctions while the new version is implemented. Starting off the new year of 2017 with a website in tip top shape could weather future storms from occurring.

Robintek offers a monthly security and maintenance package in which WordPress websites are carefully observed each and every week. Websites are scanned regularly, looking for any issues or potential out of date features that can be corrected on a weekly basis.