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A website audit can help improve your performance, SEO, and UX

Is your website performing as effectively as possible to grow your business? From technical setup to content optimization, there are an abundance of factors that affect your site’s performance. An independent website audit designed to spot errors, provide guidance, and fix problems can help keep your website competitive.

Whether you’re a brand-new startup, a small business looking to grow, or have an established website that you would like to ensure is operating as effectively as possible – we can help.

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What is a website audit?

A website audit is a comprehensive review and analysis of your website to assess site performance, identify elements in need of improvement, and determine opportunities for growth.

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Benefits of a website audit

With a detailed website audit, you get the chance to inspect and improve your site’s functionality and search engine performance. An audit can also tell you how easily customers are able to find and effectively use your website. Your audit’s results will allow you to make targeted adjustments to optimize your site performance.

Our process

Your website performance is the result of a variety of elements working together. Our comprehensive website audit evaluates your site across several categories, to perform not one, but multiple audits on your site.

When complete, these audits will give you a full picture of how your website is performing, elements that are in need of improvement, and opportunities for growth. You can use these results to fine-tune your website to better communicate with your audience, drive growth, and provide a better ROI.

Audit Evaluation Categories


Ease of Management

Marketing/Sales Alignment

Technical Aspects

Usability (UX and UI)

Visibility (SEO, Social)


Web Design

Your website should look good, but an attractive design is not the only criteria included in a website audit. Your site’s imagery and layout should tell a story visually to reinforce your brand, priorities, and goals.

To be effective, your design should align with your brand standards and display consistent formatting for navigation, typography, links, and graphics. We’ll evaluate how efficiently your design guides visitors through your site, including a review of your calls to action (CTAs) and content hierarchy.

The insights gained from your audit can be used to enhance the design of your website, optimize user experience, and improve your targeted CTAs.

Ease of Management

Managing your business website shouldn’t be difficult.

To look at how your website content is accessed, edited, and shared on the backend, Robintek will conduct a content management system (CMS) audit. From editing text and uploading images to adding events or posting press releases, our experts can identify ways to make managing your site content easier.

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Marketing/Sales Alignment

What are your marketing and sales goals? How is your website helping you achieve them? Your website should set up your sales team for success, with targeted messaging and lead generation. A strategy alignment audit looks at your site performance as a part of your overall marketing strategy. Our experts can review your lead generation process to give you the data you need to improve conversion rates.

A review of your marketing and sales alignment can include:

  • Competitor review
  • Marketing and sales goal review
  • Lead generation and conversion audit
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Technical Audit

A technical audit evaluates your website functionality and performance. It examines your site architecture to identify technical problems or gaps. Technical audits review all of the following and more:

  • General site health audit
  • Site Speed
  • Responsive/Mobile friendliness
  • Indexed Pages
  • Analytics audit (Google Analytics/Data Studio report)
  • Schema/Structured Data Markup
  • SEMrush Error/Warning Fixes

Usability (UX and UI)

When reviewing website usability, we evaluate how your visitors interact with your site. This is called a user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) audit. A UX/UI audit can help identify ways to optimize user experience on your site. Improving your user experience increases visitor retention and conversion rates.

A UX/UI audit analyzes a number of elements including:

  • Customer/Client interviews
  • Google Analytics review and analysis
  • Target Audience or User Persona development
  • User engagement audit

Visibility (SEO, Social)

Can your target audience easily find your website? Visibility is vital to your online marketing strategy. An SEO audit can help provide you with a better picture of your website’s reach. The foundation of your online presence is your company’s website. However, the digital footprint of your business reaches across dozens, if not hundreds, of platforms. Your overall web presence includes your social media, business listings like Google My Business, review sites, and more.

A comprehensive review of your website visibility can include:

  • SEO audit
  • Social Media audit
  • Web presence analysis
  • Analytics review
  • Website traffic audit
  • Keyword analysis


Communicating your message clearly and engaging your target audience can be a challenge. A content audit evaluates your online messaging, giving you insights into what’s working and what isn’t.

Evaluation elements include:

  • Content hierarchy review
  • Is there duplicate content?
  • How often is content updated?
  • Is content clear and engaging?

What to happens after the website audit is completed?

Upon completion of your audit, Robintek will provide a detailed report with actionable items to improve your website. Need help with completing these items? Our team of dedicated web developers are here to serve.

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