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Maximize the Potential of Your Website with these Website Enhancements

Enhance your online presence with our suite of website upgrades, including language translation for global reach, ADA compliance for inclusivity, image optimization for speed, and premium widgets for advanced functionality and sleek design.

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Website Accessibility & ADA Compliance

Website accessibility is not just good practice; it’s a fundamental aspect of inclusivity and compliance with ADA and WCAG standards. Robintek, in collaboration with accessiBe, offers a comprehensive website enhancement service designed to transform your website’s functionality while championing inclusivity.

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Website Image Optimization

Optimizing images not only enhances your website’s load time but also boosts its SEO performance. Search engines prioritize faster-loading websites, and images can contribute up to 60% of a page’s load time. By optimizing them, you improve user experience, make your site faster, and elevate its SEO rankings.

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Website Language Translation

Make your content accessible and relatable to a diverse audience by enabling instant translation of your website into multiple languages. This not only breaks down language barriers but also significantly widens your potential customer base.

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Website Upgrades & Premium Widgets

From seamless social media integration to dynamic customer reviews, live chats, and e-commerce enhancements, these widgets are ready to use, saving you time and money. Let Robintek handle the implementation, while you focus on what truly matters – growing your business.

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